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Founded in 2012,  SOIL aims to promote crafts through the inspiring history, culture and humanity behind them. SOIL offers a new perspective and experience to traditional crafts. Since the opening at PMQ in April 2014, SOIL has hosted more than 10 exhibitions and over 20 workshops on different craft forms in collaboration with artisans and designers not only in Hong Kong but also those from the mainland and overseas.

SOIL 土壤文創於2012年成立,與不同地域的創作人合作,嘗試從歷史、人文和文化的角度,研究及推廣傳統手作設計,讓手工藝重回現代人的生活中。2014年4月在元創方開店至今,我們環繞不同的工藝,與本地丶內地和海外的手藝人合作舉辦了超過十項的展覽丶二十多個工作坊。

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