Stream Stone pique-fleurs by Anthony So 3.4 - 2.5.2021
Stream Stone pique-fleurs by Anthony So 蘇林海 川石 花器展 3.4 - 2.5.2021 Floral art by wreathstudiohk In I Ching's Book of Change, the concept...
"Unpacking" a solo exhibition of Ching Sze-Yin, Cicy 9.1 - 7.2.2021
Unpacking - mashups, practices, collections 開箱 - 雜。習。集。 9.1 - 7.2.2021 Sculptural objects & studio jewellery a solo exhibition of Ching...
Gift Concierge 禮賓服務
What are some thoughtful gifts? We work with artists, artisans craft designers in Hong Kong and Asia across a range of hand crafted...
Crafts Dialogue 25.9 - 24.12.2020
Crafts Dialogue 對談 工與藝 Autumn Exhibition 秋展 25.9 - 24.12.2020 Contemporary Crafts Centre Hong Kong presents #CraftsDialogue. The finest...